image (behind the scene) for the About page. laurajouan 2024

I am an art director based in Paris. I specialise in branding and web development; my studio thrives on delivering custom-made projects for clients worldwide.

Since graduating from the Royal College of Art, I regularly collaborate with designers, architects, businesses, and institutions.

To know more about:

** Custom vs Standardisation

Tailoring a unique solution for your client is more effective than overwhelming them with multiple options.

By taking the time to understand their needs and preferences, a custom production allows you to create a solution that not only aligns with their vision but also efficiently meets their specific goals. Offering a well-crafted solution will help reduce decision fatigue and confusion, making the decision-making process easier and more enjoyable. Above all, it shows commitment and results in a more meaningful and impactful outcome.

The key steps of a branding project:

Research and Analysis
Understanding the target audience, competitors, market trends, and overall brand positioning.
Strategy Development
Defining the brand’s mission, values, personality, positioning, and key messaging.
Design Development
Developing visual elements such as logo, colour palette, typography, and other design assets that reflect the brand identity.
Applying the brand elements consistently across all touch-points, including marketing materials, website, social media, packaging, etc.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Continuously assessing the brand’s performance, gathering feedback, and making adjustments as needed.

Challenges in a branding project can include:

Standing out in a crowded marketplace and creating a unique brand identity that resonates with the target audience.
Maintaining a consistent brand image and messaging across various channels and touch-points.
Adapting the brand to evolving market trends and consumer preferences while staying true to its core values.
Keeping up with competitors’ branding efforts and finding ways to differentiate and stay ahead.
Budget Constraints
Balancing the need for a strong branding strategy with limited resources.
Internal Alignment
Ensuring that the brand is understood and embraced by all employees to deliver a coherent brand experience.

By navigating these challenges effectively, a branding project can help a company build a strong and lasting communication that resonates with its target audience.

The key steps of a website project:

Define the website’s purpose, target audience, goals, and features. Create a sitemap and wireframes to outline the structure and layout.
Develop the visual look and feel of the website, including colour scheme, typography, imagery, and aesthetics. Create mockups and prototypes to visualise the design.
Translate the design into a functional website using coding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Ensure the site is responsive and works across devices. Optimise its programming for SEO to improve its speed and organic traffic.      

** Webflow, Framer, Shopify, Wix or Cargo can help you build strong and editable websites (custom, e-commerce or portfolio)
Content Creation
Write and gather content for the website, including text, images, videos, and other media. Optimise content for SEO to improve visibility.
Conduct thorough testing to identify and fix bugs, ensure usability, and check compatibility across browsers and devices. Gather feedback for improvements.
Once testing is complete, launch the website to the public. Verify all features work correctly and the site performs well under different conditions.

Regularly update content, monitor performance, and address any issues that arise. Use analytics and user feedback to make ongoing improvements and enhancements.
SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a critical component of a website project and its ultimate goal is to improve the website’s search engine ranking, drive relevant traffic to the site, and help it reach its intended audience effectively. Collaboration among SEO specialists, designers, and developers is essential to ensure that the website is optimised for search engines while maintaining a user-friendly design and seamless functionality.

By implementing various strategies and techniques, such as keyword research, on-page optimisation, content creation, meta tag optimisation, site speed improvement, backlink building, and analytics monitoring, SEO aims to increase the website’s online presence and attract targeted organic traffic.
Full documentation in Finsweet's Attributes docs.

Feel free to contact me for further information on my practice or if you need guidance on a project.


- 2012/14, MA Visual Communication, Royal College of Art
- 2007/09, BA Visual Communication, LISAA (Paris)

- Google Analytics: Individual Qualification
- Google Marketing: Creative
- Google Marketing: Mobile Experience
- Webflow Experts Certification
- Webflow Layout/CMS Certification

- Art Direction
- Branding
- Logotype
- Typography
- Editorial
- Exhibition
- Website (audit)
- Website (strategy)
- Website (wireframe)
- Website (responsive design)
- Website (programming)

- Adobe
- Canva
- Instagram
- Webflow